Saturday, October 10, 2015

That one blonde

Blondes have always been seen as dumb or stupid, even when they are extensively smart and are in top corporate positions. Regardless, everyday the term "dumb blonde" is used somewhere. Everyone is guilty of going to the beach, seeing that young blonde in a new sporty convertible and thinking that she is a gold digger. Whether she is or not. Lorelei is considered a golddigging dumb blonde by most of today's audience. This is because she can't spell and uses her looks to get what she wants. However looking deeper into Lorelei's behavior she is actually more intelligent than we credit her for. Although she is a golddigging blonde she cleverly manipulates her victims into buying her things. An example is Sir Francis Beekman, he was not interested in Lorelei but her clever thinking brought her to persist in pushing Beekman to eventually buy her the diamond tiara. Her method of doing so included constantly complementing him and making him feel comfortable with his nickname "piggie". To seal the deal Lorelei had effectively made Beekman fall in love with her, to which she utilizes by promising him that she will stay in London if he bought the tiara for her, which he happily does. 

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