Friday, November 13, 2015

My mother and mercy

The narrator finds herself in a bit of a pickle. She is the undisirable one in her family as she didn't turn out like her brother or grandmother, mercy. She had what was an Afro which made her look like a guy, as opposed to her brother who had blue-green eyes and golden hair. As a result of her curly Afro type hair she was constantly belittled at school as she was referred to a boy as well as, presumably, sarcastic questions of why she looked like a boy. She hated the girls with long silky hair that they could let down because she couldn't do it herself. However the worst treatment didn't come from school or other girls, it was at home, from her one grandmother who would purposely cut her hair short to give her the appearance of a boy. As a result as other family members were grieving to the death of Mercy she remained emotionless as she did not whether to cry out in joy, remain neutral or go into a sobbing rage. She was so detached that she felt sorry for Casey Anthony's mother, a person she had never met, instead of her own grandmother. 

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